
The first idea of the game was to make a clicker stat-builder, e.g. you click on a button and gain experience which results in leveling up and getting higher stats. After one "release" (as in a somewhat working program) I changed the idea to be an automatically running builder where the player choosing between different attack options.

Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.


My new project is a single player strategy RPG where you control up to 15 characters at the same time and battle monsters on, to start with, gridded map.

No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Basically there will be four roles: Tank, healing, damage and support. Some classes will be specialized in for one role where others can do two or even all three roles to some extent. There will be four different ways to convey effects (such as damage or healing): Physical (brute force), magic (self explaining), technological (using tools) and summoning (getting help from animals, celestial beings or something else for doing damage). Each class will be specialized in the use of certain weapon, armor and tools but still allowed to use some and unable to use the rest (example a paladin is specialized in blunt weapons such as maces and hammers but can still use swords and axes but not daggers).

Each character will be inclined in a field and can only chose classes that suit them (example character B is a small weak character with high magical abilities who can pick almost any magic using class but excluding classes that use brute for with magic such as paladin or battle mage). There will also be within each group a leader class that is somewhat weaker by itself but who will give strong bonuses to characters of classes in that group (there is also an idea about hiring mercenaries when not being able to find hidden characters).

Every character will be one basic class at the beginning, being able to use only a few standard, low level skills until reaching a certain level where the real class will be chosen. The leader class will be turned from a class of the same type at higher level. There can only be one leader class of each field.

The classes so far are as follows:

Fighter jobs: Fighters are melee fighting and tanking jobs; generally they wear heavy armor and can use most weapons with some expertise. They generally don't use magic.
1. Fighter - The basic fighting and tanking class. Mercenaries can be fighters. Fighters can use leather and chainmail armor, shields and any one handed weapon except knives and fist weapons.
2. Warrior - Using heavily armor and especially skilled using single handed weapons and shield this is the simplest choice for a tanking character. Warriors can use any armor, including leather, chainmail and plate, shields and all one handed weapons except knives and fist weapons and all two handed weapons except staves.
3. Samurai - Not as heavily armored but specializing in two handed swords (generally katanas) the samurai is not suitable for tanking, but can still take a few punches and deal heavy damage. Samurais can only use leather and chainmail armor and no shields. They are specialized in two handed swords but can also use one handed swords, knives and polearms. Samurais can dual wield.
4. Barbarian - Used to extreme environments barbarians have high resistance but wears only light armor. Barbarians are infamous for their expertise and melee weapons which they wield with brute strength. Barbarians are specialized in all one hand weapons except knives and all two hand weapons except stave
s and polearms, they can still wield knives, staves and polearms. However they can only wear leather armor and no shields. Barbarians are specialized in dual wielding.
5. Berserker - Like the barbarian the berserker have high resistance but they cannot wear any armor at all. Berserkers wields only two handed weapons but with such strength and expertise that they can still dual wield. Berserkers wear no armor and no shield, they have expertise and can use all two handed weapons except staves and polearms and never uses one handed weapons except fist weapons. They are specialized dual wielders and even dual wield their two handed weapons with brute force (at higher levels), however they never dual wield two weapons of the same type, except fist weapons.
6. Gladiator – Strong fighters using one handed weapons and shield.Gladiators only wear leather armor but use small shields both as a weapon and for blocking and extra armor, they can use any one handed weapons (including swords, axes, maces, knives, spears and fist weapons).
7. Paladin - Heavily armored and blessed with divine strength a paladin is one of the few brute force classes that have magical powers at their disposal. Paladins wear any armor (leather, chainmail and plate) and shields and are specialized in maces (one and two handed), they can also use one handed swords. Holy magic is also at their disposal.
8. Crusader – Crusaders are much like paladins; heavy and armor and with powerful divine magic at their disposal. The main difference is that they are more into two handed weapons or dual wielding than shields, even though they can wear shields. Because of this crusaders will be more suitable for damage or healing than tanking.Crusaders wear any armor (leather, chainmail and plate) and shields, they are specialized in swords and maces (both one and two handed) and can also use two handed axes (but not one handed). They can use divine magic.
9. Templar– Lighter armored than Paladins and Crusaders Templars tend to be more offensive. Templars can do astral projection which instead of using their physical bodies uses their souls and travel the spirit world to either enhance a friend greatly or fight foes. ATemplars can wear leather and chainmail armor, they are specialized in swords and dual wielding and can also use maces.
a. Light Templar – Light Templars are strong with defensive and buffing skills and uses their astral projection to enhance friends more than fighting enemies. They still can fight however but weaker than the Dark Templars. Light Templars have special skills to destroy Dark Templars.
b. Dark Templar – Dark Templars are more aggressive and much stronger than Light Templars in their offensive skills, especially in astral projection is greater, however all religious classes have a high chance of resisting them and have astral blast that does great damage to the Dark Templars.
10. Gladiator – Strong fighters using one handed weapons and shield.Gladiators only wear leather armor but use small shields both as a weapon and for blocking and extra armor, they can use any one handed weapons (including swords, axes, maces, knives, spears and fist weapons).
11. Knight - The knight is the leader class for melee and tanking classes. Being the leader a knight has all skills from the class they turned from and most skills, excepting only the higher level skills, from all brute force classes.
12. Soldier - Being drilled to follow orders quickly and precisely a soldier gets extra bonuses from a leader (knight). Soldiers also get bonus from other soldiers. Mercenaries can be soldiers. Soldiers wear chainmail armor and shields and are specialized in polearms, one handed swords, one handed maces and crossbows.
13. Guard - Being drilled to follow orders quickly and precisely a guard gets extra bonuses from a leader (knight). Guards also get bonus from other guards. Mercenaries can be guards. Guards wear plate armor and are specialized in polearms and crossbows. They can also use swords and maces (both one and two handed).
14. Legionnaire - Being drilled to follow orders quickly and precisely a legionnaire gets extra bonus from a leader (knight). Legionnaires also gets bonus from other legionnaires. Mercenaries can be legionnaires. Legionnaires wear plate armor and shields. They can use one handed swords, polearms and bows.
Magic jobs: Magic users have jobs which generally use no armor and very light weapons; they mainly use magic skill for their damage. Generally they can use knives or other one handed small weapons such as swords or maces and staves.
1. Mage - The basic magic using class. Mercenaries can be mages. Mages can use magic of all elements but never to any higher level.
2. Elemental Mage - The elemental mage is a mage specialized in a certain element, he can still use lower level magic from all four elements but has the expertise in their own element in which they can grow extremely powerful. Mages can instead of casting spell for damage use their power to boost another mage or wizard in the group. Mercenaries can be elemental mages. Elemental mages can cast spells of all elements but are specialized and very strong in one and weak in the others.
3. Sorcerer - Specializing in arcane magic a sorcerer has access to a range of powerful magic dealing with time, gravity and other such mysterious forces. Arcane, time and gravity are the main magic for the sorcerer.
4. Necromancer - Dark magic and death are the fields of the necromancer. A necromancer can use leather armor.
5. Warlock - Using dark magic to summon demons and even turning themselves into one. Warlocks use dark arcane magic.
6. Battlemage - Summoning powerful weapons and armor a Battlemage uses his magic powers to fight melee battle. Battlemages can use leather armor but no weapons at all, as they summon their weapons.
7. Witchdoctor - Specialized in curses. Witchdoctors use dark arcane and natural magic.
8. Animagi - Shape shifters who turn into animals suitable for the situation. Animagis wears no armor nor uses any weapons.
9. Bard – Semi magical bards use their charisma to inspire their fellows to perform better as well as confuse their enemies to perform worse. Bards can steal from enemies.Bards can use basic magic as well as swords and leather armor.
10. Dancer – Like the bards dancers use their charisma but instead of inspiring their friends, dancers confuse their enemies to perform worse. Dancers can steal from enemies.
11. Wizard - The leader class of magic users a wizard can use all magic the other classes can use, excepting the highest level ones. To this a wizard has a range of powerful magic boosting skills.
12. Witch - Only available for female characters a witch have like a wizard all the powers of the other classes and a range of powerful boosting magic (not the same as the wizard). Even though the witch is not a leader there can only be one witch.
Religious jobs: Religious jobs are mainly healing jobs but generally they also have access to some offensive magic or melee brawl. Generally Religious classes wear no armor and use staves and one hand maces.
1. Priest - The basic religious class with the ability to heal. Priests have no offensive magic.
2. White Priest - The priest of holy magic has the most powerful healing spells but can also use his divine power to smite his enemies. White priests use holy magic mainly for healing.
3. Gray Priest - Mixing holy and unholy magic the gray priest combines the divine powers for both help and vengeance. Gray priests also have powerful supporting magic. Gray priests can access both holy and unholy magic.
4. Black Priest - Black priests can only access the unholy powers and have therefore no healing ability. Black priests have access to strong buffing and de-buffing magic. Black priests use only unholy magic.
5. Cleric - Combining divine magic and melee brawl the clerics uses their strength to smite their enemies as well as heal and support friends. Clerics wear chainmail armor and wield one handed maces.
6. Druid - One of the most diverse classes a druid can wield the forces of nature to his advantage, summoning animals and plants to their aid as well as destructive weather and healing earth. Druids wear leather armor and are specialized in staves.
7. Shaman - Using natural magic and divine forces the shaman can shape shift into animals and control the forces of nature to damage their enemies or heal their friends. Shamans wear chainmail armor and can wield staves and maces (both one and two handed).
8. Monk - Channeling divine powers into their own body monks are powerful martial artists who can both avoid and take a lot of damage despite not wearing armor. Monks wear no armor and are specialized in fist weapons and staves.
9. Archpriest (bishop?) - The archpriest is the leader class for the religious classes. Being the leader an archpriest has all skills from the class they turned from and most skills, excepting only the higher level skills, from all religious classes. Archpriest can at high level and with the help of other devoted characters summon a powerful angel to smite enemies.
10. Paladin - see Paladin in fighting classes.
11. Crusader – see Crusader in fighting classes.
12. Templar – see Templar in fighting classes.
a. Light Templar – see Light Templar in fighting classes.
b. Dark Templar – see Dark Templar in fighting classes.
Range and ranger jobs: Ranger jobs generally wear lighter armor and generally either shoot firearms or bows. They will sometimes tame beasts to aid them.
1. Keeper - The main class for range and ranger classes. Keepers can use all one handed and range weapons except crossbows (including, swords, maces, knives, guns, rifles, bows and throwing weapons).
2. Gunslinger - Highly accurate a gunslinger uses his two guns to hit the most elusive of targets. Gunslingers wear leather armor and are specialized in guns. They are also specialized in dual wielding guns. A gunslinger can use any range weapon as well as knives.
3. Rifleman - Long range and highly accurate a rifleman can deal heavy to targets near and far. Riflemen wear leather armor and are highly specialized in rifles. They can use any firearms, knives and one handed swords.
4. Fencer - Fencing is the art of parrying and hitting accurately allowing them to fight elusive enemies without getting hit themselves. Fencers use leather armor and are specialized in fencing swords, they can also use any one handed swords, knives and firearms.
5. Musketeer - Like a rifleman they can shoot at long range but are also experts of knives and like a fencer fencing weapons (such as rapiers). Musketeers wear chainmail or leather armor and are specialized in fencing swords and knife, rifles and guns. They may also use any other one handed swords or maces.
6. Archer - Archers are expert bowmen. Archers wears leather armor and are specialized in bows. They can also use knives, one handed swords and staves.
7. Beastmaster- Beastmasters are experts in the lore of animals; their expertise allows them to train animal pets that they can summon to do their bidding in combat. Animals are generally weaker than characters but with higher level Beastmasters can summon several animals at the same time.Beastmasters wear leather armor and can use staves, knife and bows.
8. Hunter - Combining his expertise with the outdoors and animals like a woodsman with expert use of range weapons a hunter summons trained animals to his aid while he supports at range. Hunters wear leather armor and can use all ranged weapons (including bows, firearms, crossbows as well as throwing weapons) as well as knives.
9. Ranger - Unlike a hunter a ranger combines summoning animal with melee skills. Rangers wear chainmail armor and can use all melee weapons except polearms and fist weapons (including swords, maces, staves and knives), rangers can also use spears, bows and throwing weapons.
Agility jobs: High in agility their main way to survive in battle is their high evasiveness by dodging (some highly skilled agility classes are even said to being able to dodge bullets).
1. Thief - The basic agility class is not a tough fighter but has the ability to steal from enemies. Thieves wear no armor and only use daggers and guns.
2. Acrobat - Extremely mobile and with high agility they are tough targets to hit, but with low armor they are still vulnerable. Mainly fighting unarmed or with throwing weapons. They can also steal from and pickpocket enemies. Acrobats wear no armor but are specialized in fist weapons and throwing weapons, they can also use knives and guns.
3. Rogue - Rogues are not as elusive as acrobats but can wear heavier armor and wield heavier weapons. Rogues can steal from enemies. Rogues wear leather armor and are specialized in knives and one handed swords, they use fist weapons, guns and one handed maces and axes. Rogues can dual wield.
4. Assassin - Assassins have low armor but can output high damage quickly. Assassins wear no armor. They are specialized in knives, guns, bows and throwing weapons but can't use any other weapons. Assassins are specialized in dual wielding.
5. Ninja - Ninjas are like assassins but can teleport and have lower damage output. Ninjas wear leather armor and are specialized in swords, bows, crossbows and throwing weapons. Ninjas have magic abilities such as teleport and shadow melding.
6. Pirate - Pirates fight with fencing weapons and firearms and steal like thieves. Pirates can steal from enemies. Pirates wear no armor and are specialized in fencing weapons and knives and can use any one handed weapon and all firearms. Pirates can dual wield but only with knives or guns in their off hand.
7. Privateer - Like lightly armored pirates they fight with swords and guns. Privateers can steal from enemies. Privateers wear leather armor and are specialized in one handed swords and guns, they can also use any other one handed weapon, all firearms and throwing weapons.
8. Corsair - Medium armored range fighters they also have the ability to steal from enemies. Corsairs wears chainmail armor and are specialized in firearms, they can also use knives and one handed swords.
9. Buccaneer - Lightly armored fist fighters who also have the ability to steal from enemies. Buccaneers wear leather armor and are specialized in fist weapons.
10. Swashbuckler - Using their shield as a weapon they are ferocious fighters when with one handed weapons. Swashbucklers wear leather armor small shields and are specialized in all one handed weapons except fist weapons (including swords, maces and knives) as well as guns.
11. Monk - see monk in religious classes.

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