
The first idea of the game was to make a clicker stat-builder, e.g. you click on a button and gain experience which results in leveling up and getting higher stats. After one "release" (as in a somewhat working program) I changed the idea to be an automatically running builder where the player choosing between different attack options.

Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.


My new project is a single player strategy RPG where you control up to 15 characters at the same time and battle monsters on, to start with, gridded map.

No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Characters, stages and story

Normally in this kind of game there will be one main protagonist (or main procrastinator perhaps) who starts off and then rallies various companions to his or her cause. I have decided to step aside from this and being inspired, again, by supernatural (the TV-show) I will have two characters from the beginning. The main idea is that these two set out for an adventure by taking work as mercenaries, which will eventually lead to a moral decision to save the world, or something in that direction.

The two first characters, who now have the working names Alpha and Beta, will be 20 plus years old, have three to five years age difference and not exactly be getting along, like brothers, because they are brothers. This sets up the first stage, or stage 0, which is a tutorial stage where the two brothers will fight unarmed and unarmored for X rounds (say 30 or so round so they can make about 10 attacks each). Stage 0 will be tutorial for how to attack and perhaps use basic simple skills. This is basically before the brothers leave home and they keep fighting with each other.

Both Alpha and Beta will start as fighters and both will be able to become warriors and knights, so they can basically both be main tank and/or leader for the fighting classes. There the similarities end though; Alpha, the older, will draw more towards the magical with choices of paladin, crusader and samurai among the fighting classes and the option the change to either magic class, where he can be battlemage or warlock (but not wizard), and religious class, where he can be cleric, monk, paladin or crusader.

Younger Beta is a bit more chaotic in nature and will be drawn to the more shady agility classes. In fighting classes he can chose from warrior, knight, barbarian, berserker or gladiator. He can also change to ranged classes where he can be musketeer, hunter or ranger and agility classes where he can pick from corsairs and swashbucklers.

This opens for a lot of options from the start already, of course it will take a few stages before you can actually pick any job except fighter, but the fighters talent build (which is a base character build and will only have the first tier) you can pick between reducing threat or increasing threat.

At the second stage, stage 1, both characters will be equipped with wooden practice swords and light armor and together they will face one practice foe. This is the real first stage of the game but still tutorial minded. Stage 1 is tutorial for how to work together and build threat with one character using threat and defense skills and doing damage with the other using damage skills. This stage is when the brothers have decided to become mercenaries so they take up some training with a recognized master.

After stage 1 a third character, working name Gamma, will be introduced. This is a girl priest whose actual name I have already decided but will not reveal just yet. She will be able to pick from white priest, gray priest, black priest and druid, she can also change to magic class where she can pick from any mage, sorcerer, battlemage, animagi, bard or dancer. Gamma cannot be any leader class.

At this point the group can take on a little heavier enemies and they will start taking on mission as mercenaries, killing monsters for money, stage 2 will still be a tutorial for how to work in group with a healer, tank and damage dealer but at least the story will have started.

From here on there will be lots of additions to the team and by level 10-15 there should be a full team of 15 characters. Anyone can at any time change job but they will have to start over from job level 1 in the base job (or level 1 in the job group if they pick from same group).

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