
The first idea of the game was to make a clicker stat-builder, e.g. you click on a button and gain experience which results in leveling up and getting higher stats. After one "release" (as in a somewhat working program) I changed the idea to be an automatically running builder where the player choosing between different attack options.

Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.


My new project is a single player strategy RPG where you control up to 15 characters at the same time and battle monsters on, to start with, gridded map.

No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The optimal avoidance tanks Fencers have high dodge together with high parry they are probably the most specialized job for extremely hard hitting enemies. Using stances to switch between full dodge, full parry and balance and either counter tanking Fencers can handle slow hitting damage enemies expertly and should never receive any burst damage at all and should rarely if ever need any heals, making them extremely independent.

There are saves for when avoidance drop below 100% but if it happens too often, as when the frequency of attacks always gets the Fencers too low they won’t survive for very long.

Fencers have three stances; balanced, parry and dodge. The balanced stance will change nothing to the Fencers’ stats and will probably use parry and dodge equally. Parry and dodge stances will nullify their respective opposite and gain half of that stat into their chosen stance stat, this will significantly increase that stat but significantly lower the total avoidance and even more the effective avoidance stagnation. Fencers have skills to replenish their parry or dodge significantly to help them if avoidance drops under 100%, they also have skills for increased counters, to build threat they can use different feigns and attack and with high hit normal attacks will always hit and very often crit.

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