Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tanking 3
Too low armor to survive for long against frequent physical attacks Barbarians can’t handle multiple physical targets or fast hitting enemies. They can also get rather healer dependant.
Barbarians are still as tanks high in damage and will build threat mostly through keeping this damage up, they have skills for area of effect with their dual wielding weapons or can strike out on multiple or single targets with heavy hits. They have no specifically defensive skills.
Swashbucklers’ largest weakness is against magic users as they have low resistance when upgraded to chain. Too many targets will also be a problem as the mitigation is too low but since avoidance is very high at least more than a few can be managed.
The shield is the Swashbucklers’ main mean of building threat and avoiding damage, they have skills to do hard shield attacks (and as smaller shield do more damage but has less armor and block this damage will generate high threat, and as a skill they can also make their shield be a full avoidance instead of a mitigation which makes the Swashbucklers get the highest effective avoidance available, for multiple targets they multiple target attacks with both weapon and shield.
Pirate, Privateer and Corsair
Fencing classes with different level of armor these three are with armor upgrades (through talents) suitable for different tanking situations but in the same general style. They all use fencing weapons and are high on parry and dodge together with a gun through which combination they can keep up threat on both nearby and distant enemies.
As a range of armor level Pirates are weakest against physical and strongest against magical, Privateers are well balanced and Corsairs do best against physical.
Dodge, shoot, parry, strike and fence is the general style and even though most active skills are offensive these jobs can with correct talent build handle themselves as tanks.
Acrobat, Rogue, Assassin and Ninja
Beastmaster, Hunter and Ranger
Beastmasters, Hunters and Rangers do not tank on their own but through the force of the animals that they have summoned and control. As with the Animagi the ability to tank and what to tank depends on the beasts but in general beasts will only survive single target tanking, however, strength is in their numbers and with enough beasts under control they should be able to handle nearly any situation.
More on beast tanking later.
Musketeer tank
There are saves for when avoidance drop below 100% but if it happens too often, as when the frequency of attacks always gets the Fencers too low they won’t survive for very long.
Fencers have three stances; balanced, parry and dodge. The balanced stance will change nothing to the Fencers’ stats and will probably use parry and dodge equally. Parry and dodge stances will nullify their respective opposite and gain half of that stat into their chosen stance stat, this will significantly increase that stat but significantly lower the total avoidance and even more the effective avoidance stagnation. Fencers have skills to replenish their parry or dodge significantly to help them if avoidance drops under 100%, they also have skills for increased counters, to build threat they can use different feigns and attack and with high hit normal attacks will always hit and very often crit.
Monk tank
Having no way to attack several targets is their main weakness but a second drawback is the lack of 3 methods of avoidance and block; monks have to chose to use either fist weapons with which they can block and will get a very high chance to do so but the block value is not high and the damage will only be mitigated but with the benefit of counter attack on both dodges and blocks, not avoided, or to use a staff which will give them a chance to parry which is lower than the chance to block with first weapons and only counters on parry but which gives a significantly higher full avoidance.
The range of skills using first weapons is almost completely different from the ones available when using staves, the few available for both are defense skills to increase armor or resistance and a shield to reduce damage from next incoming attack significantly.Fist weapon skills consist of powerful single target hits (basically taunt), guaranteed counters on all attacks, significantly increased block value and return damage on blocks.Staff skills consist of single and double target hits, increased parry, increased counter on parry and parry wall which has the Monk spinning the staff so that all incoming attacks are parried and countered for a period of time.
Druid and Shaman tanks
All around decent neither class have any specific weakness but neither do they have any specific strength, this being their biggest weakness they can both handle most easier situations, Shaming being more suitable for physical enemies and Druids more suitable for magical enemies.
Skills to temporarily increase parry with staff or guarantee a few to several parries, different kinds of barkskin to increase either armor or resistance at the cost of mobility, attacks on multiple targets with staff and natural storm attacks to hold, damage or hold and damage single or multiple targets.
Although each form is powerful they also have severe limitations, slow moving turtles will never dodge anything and their attacks are slow and weak, the big animals are even easier targets and the cat animals won’t survive long if being hit. With these limitations in each form and the cost of changing as well as the limit to only a few forms (1-3 perhaps?) the Animagis have to consider their choices carefully. In certain forms they are very healer dependant.
Skill they can use in all forms are calling insects to disrupt enemies attacks and lower their chance to hit, have plants grab at enemies from below to keep them in place, explode a burst of air or water to damage enemies all around them and draw upon the powers of the nature and life around them to sustain and protect themselves when hurt.
Sorcerer tank
Pretty much defenseless when enemies comes too close a Sorcerer will go down quickly if no one takes care of the melee enemies in range of his threat building area.
Sorcerers have skills such as time slow which will help them avoid almost any incoming projectile, time stop to stop incoming projectiles, counter spells, spell interrupt and spell steal to hinder ranged casters from completing their spells and the ability to change the gravitational pull to disrupt any attack coming their way.
Battlemage tank
With comparably low armor and no shields to block Battlemages won't survive for long against too frequent physical attacks.
All Battlemages use their power to summon both offense and defense gear, the defensive arsenal consists of magic absorbing shields which tanking Battlemages can set up multiple versions of (1 without talent, 2-3 with talent), illusions to have enemies attacking shadows and short range teleportation to avoid attacks completely, they also use offensive abilities such as ranged spells to taunt enemies, short range teleportation to get in range to melee attack enemies and magically animating their summoned weapon to attack targets at a distance.
Gladiator tank
Strength as tanks lie in the ability to keep single targets busy and even take down by themselves while the more suitable tanks take on multiple or tougher enemies together with the rest of the team.
Gladiators are not specifically meant to tank so they have no specific way to take and hold agro once friends start attacking.
No specific tanking skills but duelist skills such as shield attacks, feigns and blocks or deflects are usefully balanced for damage and survivability.
Paladin tank
Paladin tanks' weakness is against slow very hard hitting enemies who do heavy burst so that the Paladins don't have enough time to heal up before the next burst.
Tanking Paladins are equipped with and arsenal of defensive holy skills such as defensive auras for almost any given occasion, holy smite spells to hurt and aggravate enemies, divine protective spells and powerful self heals that will bounce to nearby friends to keep them alive when accidents happen.
Warrior tank
The Warrior tanks' largest weakness, excepting healer dependency, is their low resistance, even though they can deflect spells with their large shields they will not survive heavy magical bombardment for any longer period of time.
The range of skills tanking Warriors have at their disposal are taunts (and other shouts) to keep single or multiple targets attracted, blocking skills (to temporarily guarantee blocks), defense buffs (to increase defense for an extended period of time or a whole battle) and protection skills to save others by redirecting damage from them.
Tanking 2
To implement these major differences I will introduce a new main mechanic, a diminishing avoidance; this will make each avoided attack reduce your chance to avoid the next attack and each means of avoidance will be reduced individually. This will affect dodge, parry and block. The reduction will be based on full avoidance and current avoidance and will then replenish with a percent of max value, the replenishing value can be increased by talents in some jobs and also "jumped up" by skills, taking one turn of actions.
The function to calculate this would look something like the following:
choseLargest(choseSmallest(avoidanceCurrent*A% , avoidanceMax*B%) , avoidanceCurrent*C%), meaning while avoidance is higher than a certain % of max A% will be reduced, otherwise B% will be reduced but the reduction will never be higher than C% of current.
for example for A = 45%, B=20% and C=75% and avoidanceMax = 100% and replenish is 5% per second and an avoid happens every 3rd second.
The first attack would reduce avoidance to 55% and then increased to 60, 65 and 70
1: 55 - 70
2: 38,5 - 53,5
3: 29,4 - 44,4
and will finally stagnate on 20,0 after 13 avoids (under 25% from 9 dodges) since 75% of 20 is 15 and that equals the replenishing rate.
With these values the stagnation is at 20% meaning a character would need 500% to keep it over 100% at all times.
This mechanic forces a change to the hit mechanic and the hit table, probably it will work as it does when total avoidance (plus block) is lower than 100%, if over it will create a new hit table with only dodge, parry and block at an equal ratio. This means if you can make dodges and parries stagnate over 100% you should not have any block at all and would probably do best to dump your shied if you have one, this won't be an issue very often though as shield using jobs won't be able to do that without block.
So the three distinct types will be armor tank, avoidance tank and resistance tank. Of course this is a simplification as all tanks will need to have some armor, avoidance and resistance, however a heavy armored plate and shield tank will not have to rely on complete avoidance but will take heavy damage most of the time and need lots of heals and probably not be able to handle single very hard hitting or magic using targets very well, while an avoidance tank will do well with slow hitting targets and rarely, if ever, need any heals but have huge problems with several or very fast hitting targets as the avoidance diminish will be too quick for the replenishment and therefore quickly die.
Armor tank: the armor tank relies heavily on a big hit point pool and high armor value for an even higher efficient hit point pool against physically hitting targets. The armor tank will use shield for damage reducing blocks which combined with dodge and parry will lower the avoidance reduction (since it is divided by 3). However in heavy armor dodging in particular is harder and an armor tanks will rarely reach a level where they can block or avoid all attacks. Armor tanks specialize in taking low damage frequently as they mitigate damage more than avoid it. Typical armor tanks are Warriors and Paladins.
Avoidance tanks: often lightly armored and without shields the avoidance tanks relies heavily on never taking any damage at all, having very high dodge and parry the avoidance tanks should be able to keep their total avoidance over 100% at all times. In cases when the avoidance drops below 100% they should have skills to increase avoidance, temporarily guarantee an avoid or heavily reduce the damage of the next attack. Typical avoidance tanks are Fencers and Corsair.
Resistance tanks: heavy metal armor often has low resistance making the armored tanks unsuitable to tank magic using targets, thick skinned animals and humans and leather wearing resistance tanks however are excellent at this. Typical resistance tanks are bears (shape shifted Animagi or tamed pets) and Battlemages.
Hybrid tanks: some tanks lie somewhat in between the three distinct roles and can handle situations of various sorts, these can for example have both high armor and high resistance like Barbarians, medium armor and shield but still high on avoidance like Swashbucklers or somewhat high avoidance, high natural armor and high natural resistance like Monks.