
The first idea of the game was to make a clicker stat-builder, e.g. you click on a button and gain experience which results in leveling up and getting higher stats. After one "release" (as in a somewhat working program) I changed the idea to be an automatically running builder where the player choosing between different attack options.

Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.


My new project is a single player strategy RPG where you control up to 15 characters at the same time and battle monsters on, to start with, gridded map.

No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Battlemage tank

With powerful enchants to stay boost up armor and resistance enough to survive a hit and light armor for mobility Battlemages can handle most situations. Their main strength lies in the high resistance as they combine thick leather with magical shields to absorb almost all incoming magic. With their magical powers the Battlemages can seemingly be at several places at the same time as well as use their magically summoned weapons to attack at a distance making them the perfect tank for multiple ranged enemies who refuse to engage in close combat.

With comparably low armor and no shields to block Battlemages won't survive for long against too frequent physical attacks.

All Battlemages use their power to summon both offense and defense gear, the defensive arsenal consists of magic absorbing shields which tanking Battlemages can set up multiple versions of (1 without talent, 2-3 with talent), illusions to have enemies attacking shadows and short range teleportation to avoid attacks completely, they also use offensive abilities such as ranged spells to taunt enemies, short range teleportation to get in range to melee attack enemies and magically animating their summoned weapon to attack targets at a distance.

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