I like the idea of different "energy" gauges they have in World of Warcraft; most classes still use mana but there is the warrior rage, rogue energy and in the latest patch (which I haven't tried) the use of some kind of symbols.
My idea that each job group will have their own type of energy gauge; one for fighter jobs, one for magic jobs, one for religious jobs, one for ranger jobs and one for agility jobs. Jobs that are in two groups might have two gauges for different skills.
- Fighter jobs, fury gauge - The fury gauge is a balance gauge ranging from -50 to 50 and will start at 0 in all battles. Lower values means a more focused and concentrated fighter who will have higher defensive values, e.g. dodge, block and parry easier. Higher values means an angrier warrior who does more damage but tend to slip on his defense.Skills and taking damage will all either increase or decrease this gauge and some skills can only be used when the gauge is higher or lower than a certain value. The gauge will always slowly move toward zero.
- Magic jobs, burst gauge - That burst gauge has a multi level scale where each level is harder to attain than the previous; if the gauge has 100 points and 5 levels the first level will be reached at 5 points, second level at 15 points, third level at 30 points, 4th level at 60 points and 5th level at 100 points.Points are gained by casting spells and will increase significantly when getting critical hits. When a level has been reached the caster can use all the points in his gauge to increase his casting for a period of time.
- Religious jobs, faith gauge - The faith gauge is a 0 to 100 gauge where all skills and spells costs roughly the same, however the drawback is that it always increases so casting fast spells will very quickly deplete the faith while casting slow spells will allow it to remain the same or increase while casting. Some skills and spells requires a minimum amount of faith to be cast and the faith gauge can be increased by praying, faith will only increase while casting faith spells or praying.
- Ranger jobs, balance gauge - A very short scale from only -2 to 2 where each skill will always cost or give one balance, this means the ranger character will always need to alternate between skills to keep the gauge balanced.
- Agility jobs, energy gauge - The energy gauge works quite like the mana gauge except that it is much shorter (as in only 0-100 points) and will always increase quite rapidly. Agility skills costs energy and will decrease the gauge or not be useable if the energy is too low, some skills effectiveness will be based on how much energy the user has or can draw (e.g. some skills will be more effective when there is more energy even though the cost is fixed while some will also use more energy to do a greater effect, there might even be some skills that are more effective when energy is low).
Everybody will also have a mana meter which can be depleted, however, some skills for some jobs will have very low or no mana cost.
Mana meter - The traditional mana meter will work as it usually does; each skill and spell costs some mana and the meter will be decreased by that, if the casters do not have enough mana they will not be able to cast the spell. There are different ways to increase mana when; there is a constant mana gain but it is very slow, some casters can boost their mana by waiting, some casters can steal mana from other mana users, some casters can convert their own life to mana, some casters can steal life from others and convert it to mana and some casters can borrow power from other casters or friends.
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